Accessibility Policy

SkyCap Financial Accessibility Policy Statement


SkyCap Financial is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities and is dedicated to meeting its current and ongoing obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code respecting non-discrimination.

We understand that obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and its accessibility standards do not substitute or limit its obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code or obligations to people with disabilities under any other law; and we are committed to complying with both the Ontario Human Rights Code and the AODA.

Our accessible customer service policies are consistent with the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity for people with disabilities.


SkyCap Financial and its subsidiaries mission is a commitment to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in providing a respectful, hospitable, accessible, and inclusive environment for all persons with disabilities in a manner which takes into account the person's disability, embodies the principles of integration and equal opportunity and enhances the quality of their lives.

General Definitions (as defined by the AODA Act, 2005)

Assistive Device: a technical aid, communication device or other instrument that is used to maintain or improve the functional abilities of people with disabilities. A personal assistive device is characteristically a device(s) that members and guests bring with them such as a wheelchair, walker or a personal oxygen tank that might assist in hearing, seeing, communicating, moving, breathing, remembering and/or reading.

Barrier: anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his/her disability. This characteristically includes:

Communication Supports: may include, but are not limited to captioning, alternative and augmentative communication supports, plain language, sign language and other supports that facilitate effective communications.

Disability: means,

Any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness including, but not limited to:

Service Animal: In this policy, a service animal is:

Support Person: means, in relation to a person with a disability, another person who accompanies the person with a disability in order to help with communication, mobility, personal care, medical needs or access to goods and services or facilities.


People with disabilities may use their personal assistive devices when accessing our goods, services or facilities.

In cases where the assistive device presents a significant and unavoidable health or safety concern or may not be permitted for other reasons, other measures will be used to ensure the person with a disability can access our goods, services or facilities.

We will ensure that our staff are trained and familiar with various assistive devices we have on site or that we provide that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods, services or facilities.


We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.

We will work with the person with a disability to determine what method of communication works for them.


To request accommodation or assistance for any program, good or service, contact SkyCap Financial by phone or email.

Feedback process

SkyCap Financial encourages feedback regarding how it provides programs, goods and services to persons with disabilities. This can be provided via the following methods:

Modifications to this or other policies

SkyCap Financial is committed to ensuring that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent with and promote the core principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. Any policy that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities will be modified or removed.


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Dominion Lending Centres SkyCap Mortgage Services - Brokerage License 13497 (ON) - Independently Owned & Operated
© SkyCap Financial 2025 All rights reserved.
Interest rates and total cost of borrowing are dependent on a borrower's credit history. SkyCap reserves the right to approve or decline an applicant based on SkyCap's internal underwriting guidelines and procedures. Not all applicants are approved.

  • Loan amortization from 9-60 months
  • APR from 12.99% to 34.99%
  • Example: $1000 borrowed for 12 months at 29.99% Monthly payment: $97.48; Total cost of borrowing: $169.79